
Monday, June 25, 2012

My next project

I have no idea what it's going to look like when I'm finished.  It will be something summery, fun, colorful, whimsical....
beyond that I don't know!

What do YOU see in this box of goodies?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wow! What a Party!

The graduation party is over.
(thank you Jesus!)

It was a huge success....

...according to my BFF and the graduate.

This is where our guests were greeted.

Then directed to a beverage of their choosing...

They could then choose different seating areas with treats to munch on...

or play Foosball or ping pong
or sit in the shade and smell the Jasmine...

Cate's school is the Southwest stars were everywhere....

"Mom!  Stop taking pictures and help me with this video!"
(youngest son)

All the plants were lovingly donated for the day by our friends at (Cate's and BFF's employer and our friends!)

I didn't get as many pictures as I really wanted   However, it's ok.  I was more concerned with enjoying and celebrating with friends and family.  
We had such a great time.  
Thank you all, for sharing in this journey with me!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Almost done.....

The Graduation Open House Prep continues......

Is it weird that I need these stressful events to bring out the creative me?   It seems a bit odd, that I become more courageous when under a deadline.  I go from over-thinking EVERYTHING to becoming this confident creator - and I like it. 
The question that begs to be asked is, "How do I tap into this freeing state of mind - without the stress?"  Is that even possible for me? 
I was contemplating Funky Junk's "The One Scary Thing Challenge" this morning.  Wondering what Scary Thing I could put out there.  Confession:  putting my creations, my thoughts, my words out here in the electronic neverland is scary.  Questions like, "Why would anyone care to read about my crazy endeavors?"  and of course the joy-stealing, "What if no one cares/likes it?". 
Much like some of you, I do it because, I have to.  This sharing with you brings life to my oft-overlooked need to share in creativity.
entrance to the party!

new back yard gate with doggie-proof threshold?

I am linking up today with Funky Junk and her fabulous "The One Scary Thing Challenge".  I can't wait to see what you all think is scary!!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Navigating in new waters

 Well, our oldest daughter graduated on Friday. 

  All those cliches you hear about this time of life are true.

"Where has the time gone?"
"My baby is growing up!"
 "This is going to cost me HOW much!?"
Cate the graduate with her Daddy


So, here I find myself this morning, consulting my lists for her graduation party this weekend.  So many things to do, to gather, to make......  but for a few moments this morning, I was quiet.  Stopping to remember, to feel, to thank God for all he has blessed us with.  These days truly are going by so quickly.  I don't want to waste one moment.

We've been sprucing up the place - doing things that have needed to be done for the past 3 years.  Having people over is a great motivator.  I am sore, tired, sunburned, bruised and scratched - but oh so happy!  There is something immensely satisfying about hard work.  I am looking forward to this celebration.  To see family members, friends, even neighbors that somehow are always on a different schedule than us and of course, all of the students who are a part of our little community.  

I am also looking forward to being done.  To quiet.  To a slower pace of life.  I am hoping I get at least a taste of that this summer.  If you are in the neighborhood, please stop by for a cup of hot coffee, a glass of iced tea or a glass of wine with me - and let's just sit and enjoy.